Group News: December 2015
Bulk Tank Weighing System: Noble Hans Deul Jack-up Rig
System Design, Manufacture, Assembly, ATEX Certification, In-house Testing & FAT

Monitor Systems were invited by rig owner Noble Drilling to provide an upgraded Bulk Tank Weighing System for the Noble Hans Deul Jack-up Rig; currently drilling in the North Sea and operated by Shell.
Bulk Tank Weighing System Upgrade: The system to be updated used a level sensor that measures volume, converted to mass using an assumed bulk density to give the estimated weight of cement in the silo. This algorithm used / level (mm) converted to volume (m3) x specific gravity (t/m3) was found to be inaccurate due to the varied bulk density of cement blends.
An accurate, error free weighing system and solution was put in place by Monitor Systems. With the use of load cells, the silo’s cement regardless of bulk density could now be accurately weighed, giving reliable and accurate data.
The Noble Hans Deul Jack-up Rig features four rigidly mounted cement silos, each having four legs to stabilise the unit. A 75 tonne corrosion resistant high tensile stainless steel sensor (sealed to IP68) was fitted to each silo leg to give an accurate weight of the cement.
Three of the four silos (2-3-4) are sited in one area of the rig with silo one in a different location. As a result, an additional smaller wall mounted enclosure was provided and sited at silo one.
The main wall mounted enclosure features all four silo displays so that comparative data can be seen in one location.