Semi-Submersible Rigs

CASE STUDIES: Monitor Systems Engineering design and manufacture safety-critical instrumentation and monitoring systems for offshore semi-submersible rigs. Please (click) to browse some of our case studies below.
Recognised Industry Specialist: Monitor Systems has built a first class reputation for providing high quality bespoke and regular engineering solutions for many offshore semi-submersible rig owners. Our extensive industry experience, innovation and commitment of our onshore and offshore technical and engineering teams has been fundamental to the company’s success and positioned Monitor Systems as the preferred vendor to a number of leading semi-submersible rig owners and operators.
Monitor Systems Engineering has become a recognised specialist in control, handling and instrumentation monitoring systems for offshore semi-submersible rigs in the North Sea and throughout the world.
General: Offshore drilling in a depth greater than around 500 meters requires operations to be carried out from a floating vessel, as fixed structures are not practical.
Semi-submersible rigs make stable platforms for drilling for offshore oil and gas. They can be towed into position by a tugboat and anchored, or moved and kept in position by their own thrusters with dynamic positioning.
Buoyancy: A semi-submersible rig obtains its buoyancy from ballasted, watertight pontoons located below the ocean surface and wave action. The operating deck can be located high above the sea level due to the good stability of the design, and therefore the operating deck is kept well away from the waves. Structural columns connect the pontoons and operating deck.
A semi-submersible rig can transform from deep water to a shallow draft by deballasting (removing ballast water from the hull), and thereby becoming a surface vessel. The heavy lift vessels use this capability to submerge the majority of their structure, locate beneath another floating vessel, and then deballast to pick up the other vessel as a cargo.
Brace and Leg Leak Detection System: Monitor Systems offers a system that continuously monitors the watertight integrity of semi-submersible rig braces and legs. High level redundancy along with SIL approved sensors combine to ensure a highly effective and reliable system. Leak Detection Sensors can be easily retro fitted into Braces, Bilge Pots or Void Spaces to monitor for complete vessel watertight integrity. Leak detection sensors provide both continuous fault monitoring and a remote test facility to produce an extremely effective detection system, eliminating the need to enter remote inaccessible void spaces for maintenance and testing. Monitor Systems (Brace, Leg & Void Leak Detection) System can be easily integrated with our Bilge Control System to offer increased functionality.