Essar Wildcat Semi-Submersible Rig

Ballast Control and Monitoring
Tank Gauging
Machinery Alarm Monitoring

The Machinery Alarm Monitoring System installed on the Essar Wildcat Semi-Submersible by Monitor Systems was designed to condition monitor 180 digital, 40 temperature and six pressure inputs.
Alarms were set up on the bridge, in the control room, drillers console and on the mud pump console as well as five external klaxons. Using a rack based I/O system located in the existing alarm and annuciator console and two HMI touch screen alarm stations, the installation provides visual management and audible warning of condition and alarm status with a high degree of reliability and flexibility.
The installation’s reliability of operation is significantly increased over conventional systems by the use of proven PLC hardware. Indications from the client confirm their high level of satisfaction with the operational functions and reliability of the system.
Monitor System’s Machinery Alarm Monitoring System provides a visual and audible management tool covering the operating status of motors, pumps, fans, generators and other electro-mechanical utilities.

The system included a Driller's BOP control panel, a Tool Pusher's mini control panel and an Interface Panel to the Koomy Unit. In addition, there were Control Stations fitted to the aft and forward lifeboat muster points. All control and alarm signals were also integrated to the rig's Data Management System.