Group News: August 2015
Marking and Monitoring System for Cold Stacked Rigs
MSSL-AIS Informer for Henry Goodrich & Transocean Prospect Semi-Submersible

Monitor Systems were asked to provide their (AIS) Automatic Identification System for the monitoring of two cold stacked semi-submersible rigs in the Firth of Forth.
The MSSL-AIS information provider and remote monitoring system is specifically used as a marine navigation aid to AtoN ( Aid to Navigation) and other structures. Monitoring the position of the cold stacked rigs, the MSSL-AIS system broadcasts AtoN message ‘21’ and has the capability of broadcasting meteorological, hydrological and remote monitoring data.

The MSSL-AIS TYPE1 (Automatic Identification System) is a transmit only device and the TYPE3 system is a transmit and receive device that can be configured over the air. For ‘cold-stacked rig’ applications the TYPE1 provides the ideal AIS AtoN solution for remote rig position / identification.
SOLAR / POWER: With a power consumption of less than 0.06Ah/day for the TYPE1, the system is suitable for solar installations anywhere in the world and more than capably of providing both semi-submersibles with a reliable solar powered Automatic Identification System. The MSSL-AIS TYPE1 Informer complies with IEC and ITU requirements and also IALA recommendations. The system is also capable of remote monitoring.