Group News: 2019
Choke and Kill Control System for well control operations
Monitor Systems were contracted by a major drilling operator to design and build a choke & kill control system for their drilling platform. The state-of-the-art system was built around touch screen displays, enabling the operator to accurately monitor and control all features of the choke & kill system during well control operations.
Design and Build
The new console features digital speed controllers to give accurate control of choke valves and clear monitoring of pressures and temperatures as per API 16C. Monitor Systems utilised as many components from the existing choke & kill system as possible, including sensors, choke control valves and actuators, making the new system, a cost effective and more efficient upgrade for the operator. Located in the Drilling Control Room (DCR), the design of the new console features state-of-the-art touch screen technology, this in combination with the panel mounted conventional controls give higher precision operations with additional fault tolerance and system interrogation options.
A stainless-steel enclosure was built to house the system power, processing hardware and electronics, with the facia featuring three 22” touchscreen HMI’s for the display of all data and system control. The new system displays configurable alarm set-points for a number of key features, and all system signals are handed off to the rig FTP PLC via a separate secure network.
Mark Wood, Commercial Manager added … “Technology is moving at a rapid pace, and is changing the way we design, plan, and build systems. Our new choke & kill system is a typical example, it has set the benchmark in design for the oil & gas industry. Incorporating touch screen panels and advanced processing hardware and electronics, the new design has created more clarity of function and accessibility of critical data for the operator. Built by engineering know-how, and driven by new technology, our new system design has provided the user with a more efficient control console for well control operations.”
Configurable alarm set-points
[ includes, but not limited to: ]
• Choke Pressure
• Kill Pressure
• Choke Manifold Temperature
• Choke Valve Position (Indication & Control)
• Kill Valve Position (Indication & Control)
• Standpipe Pressures
• Cement Pressure
• Standpipe Temperature
• Mud Gas Separator Hydrocarbon Level
• Mud Gas Separator Pressure
• Dip Tube Level
• Mud Density
• Mud Pump Stroke rate & total strokes with configurable target displacement alert