Group News: December 2013
Draft Radar Sensor, Sea Level Monitoring
Byford Dolphin Semi-sub

Monitor Systems were approached by Dolphin Drilling to supply and install four Draft Radar Sensors on the Byford Dolphin semi sub. The Radar Sensors will measure and monitor the continuous level of the sea in relation to the rig. The advantage of these ultrafrequency sensors is that they have a constant speed (of light) offering height measurements over short distances, unaffected by environmental conditions.
Today, these radar level sensors are commonly used in hydrometry and are becoming the standard for tide stations and offshore installations around the world because of the increased need for accurate and reliable sea level measurement and monitoring.
The Draft Radar Sensors used in the project has a maximum measuring range of 75m and meets all the accuracy requirements. The transducer was installed, referenced vertically from the rig structure.
A Draft Level Display (analogue input panel meter), 5-Digit 0.56” red sunlight readable display with 85 - 250 VAC supply was also installed and calibrated as per customer requirements.