Group News: December 2013
Design and Installation of Tank Gauging Sensors
Awilco WilHunter Semi-Submersible

Monitor Systems were approached by Awilco Drilling to design, deliver and commission a Tank Gauging System for the WilHunter Semi-submersible.
The project involved everything from management, system design, schematics, factory acceptance test and the commissioning of all tank gauging sensors. Installation of the system was undertaken in 2014.
Tank gauging sensors are an integral part of the tank gauging systems installed on many offshore rigs including semi-submersible rigs, jack up rigs, supply vessels, ships and barges. The LC100 sensors have a wide range of applications and better versatility than most other tank level gauging sensors. The sensor is also accurate and reliable with problematic, corrosive, acid or foaming fluids, low viscosity fluids, suspended solids, variable specific gravity and temperature variations, as it is with standard liquids.
Custom Design Solution: Monitor Systems were able to custom design a solution for the rig based on ‘Bubbler’ depth sensing technology using LevelCom 100 tank level sensors. All 35 LC100 sensors will be sited directly outside the Control Room. This will minimise installation logistics allowing existing pipe-work to be utilised and thereby reducing overall installation costs.
Engineered: The LevelCom 100 sensors are engineered to meet the demands of offshore applications and environments by incorporating computer technology with state of the art features into a microprocessor based tank level indicator. The sensor combines automatic leak and plugged line detection with automatic “hardware zero” that compensates for pressure differentials. If an abnormal condition is detected, the sensor will display the appropriate error message on the digital display and/or provide the data on the communication bus to alert the operator.