Group News: August 2014
SUBC BOP Control Panel
Designed and built ... ‘fit-for-function’

Monitor Systems BOP Control Systems provide clients with a reliable and bespoke (MIMIC) ‘user friendly control panel’ interface to well control.
Our BOP Control System is a reliable interface to well control. Our design is bespoke, we can provide our unique slim-line push button panel design through to fully redundant PLC control for operating in hazardous areas
Monitor Systems were contracted to design and manufacture a BOP Simulator Control panel for SUBC Engineering. The bespoke BOP control panel was designed specifically to operate to client requirements, simulate all annular, rams, failsafe functions and all diverter functions, as well as simulating all regulators, pressure gauges and flow signals. The BOP Simulator also allows the operator to introduce faults such as low accumulator pressure, regulator hunting to full bore runaway. The slim-line BOP control panel design provides easy front access for maintenance/repair purposes and is specifically designed to enable straightforward integration. Our systems range from stand alone or wall mounted styles with graphic overlays, explosion proof cabinets and designed and built to meet specified third-party requirements.

Our systems range from stand alone or wall mounted styles with air or electric indication; graphic overlays; explosion proof cabinets and designed and built to meet specified third-party requirements.
SYSTEMS: Our BOP Control Panels can also be made suitable for Zone 1 Operations and manufactured from 316L Stainless Steel. Our bespoke system features an engraved and printed BOP mimic panel, EExi analogue gauges, EExd components, lamps and press/hold to operate buttons. The system is configurable for any BOP ram, annular and diverter arrangement. Clear visible colour graphics give immediate interpretation in emergency situations. Optional interface to integrate directly with existing rig data management system can also be provided.