Group News: December 2014
Diamond Offshore: Ocean Patriot
Talk Back System Design, Manufacture and Commissioning

Monitor Systems was approached by Diamond Offshore to provide a rig talk/back system for the Ocean Patriot Semi-Submersible stationed in the North Sea.
To protect offshore staff, effective communication systems are vital. Oil and gas rig operators need to know that communications between rig personnel are reliable through failsafe design and built to withstand unforgiving extremes of temperature, moisture, contamination, sunshine, wind, dust and salt etc. All products used for the talk/back system comply with the most stringent safety specifications and are approved and certified by leading international regulatory bodies including Atex. System products are designed for harsh environment and ATEX Zone 1 and Zone 2 hazardous areas.
The talk/back system or (Digital Intercom System) will provide reliable, simple two way voice communications between rig personnel, doghouse, drill floor etc. Comprised of a central controller or intercom server and various outstations, the system’s digital architecture is used to link the stations with the intercom server. The entire system is designed to facilitate control from the driller’s position, to this end all stations are hands-free including the driller’s station.

The ECHO intercom system and accessories supplied by Federal Signal interfaces with a variety of third-party equipment, including fire and gas detection systems, auxiliary security systems and signals, PA/GA systems, two-way radios and telephone PBX.
The system was housed in a CE compliant stainless steel cabinet, wall mounted (type 1 enclosure) and built to accommodate 8 field intercom stations providing addressable intercom, public address, general alarm, PA paging and telecommunication capabilities. The central exchange has full fault finding diagnostics.
The new talk/back system will enable the Ocean Patriot to retain a high level of open channel communications.