Group News: December 2014
Mobility to Commissioning
Our engineers have surveyed more than 150 vessels worldwide

Our specialist engineers have been undertaking system surveys and commissioning of instrumentation, control and monitoring equipment on offshore jack-up rigs, semi-submersible rigs, platforms, drillships, FPSO’s and support vessels for over 17 years.
On a routine basis, Monitor Systems Engineering flies its specialist engineers to every corner of the globe, Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe and Australia. To date, Monitor Systems have surveyed various types of instrumentation, control and monitoring systems and installed and commissioned various types of equipment onboard more than 150 vessels worldwide.
“The global mobility of specialist engineers to undertake detailed surveys has always been one of our core services, and it remains one of our key strengths as a support company to the offshore oil & gas and energy industry” ... commented Brian Sinclair (MD).
Significant areas of expertise include Vessel Management Systems VMS, Ballast Control & Tank Gauging, Bilge Monitoring & Control, Rack Phase Differential Monitoring RPD, Bulk Tank Control and Monitoring, Blow Out Preventer Control BOP, Water Tight Door Monitoring & Control, Brace & Void Leak Detection, Anchor Windlass Monitoring, Machinery Alarm Monitoring, Fire Damper Monitoring System and Well Control HPHT.
Monitor Systems were asked by Prosafe UK to carry out a routine inspection of the ballast tank sensors onboard the MSV Regalia. The Regalia is a Dynamically Positioned Semi-submersible accommodation vessel stationed in Norwegian waters with beds for 306 personnel.
Norway / MSV Regalia / Ballast Tank Sensors. Monitor Systems sent an inspection/calibration engineer to the rig to inspect, test and recalibrate the ballast tank sensors.