Group News: August 2014
No Pressure!
A real qualification and a real future ... is the real deal!

Getting involved with apprentice schemes has helped Monitor Systems grow its own in-house talent into a developed, focused, motivated, skilled and qualified team of managers and engineers.
< left: Nathan Smith (Apprentice Instrumentation and Controls Engineer) enjoying work ‘banter’ at Monitor Systems
“Learning in a real job and gaining a real qualification and a real future ... is the real deal!”... commented Nathan.
Nathan started his apprenticeship with Monitor Systems in September 2012. Whilst attending Tullos Training in 2012/13, he committed himself to 2 week ‘study blocks’ followed by two weeks ‘practical’ on location at Monitor Systems. This ‘study-application’ cycle continued for around 18 months until Nathan had successfully completed his NC and NVQ level 2 in electrical engineering in the first quarter of 2014.
Nathan currently works with the company five days a week. He is currently working towards his NVQ level 3 at Monitor Systems and will receive his certificates on the anniversary of his fourth year (Sep. 2016). Nathan hopes to further enhance his career with Monitor Systems by studying towards his HNC/HND in electrical engineering.
What’s been your most challenging day(s) so far Nathan ? “Completing my NVQ level 2 was challenging for sure, along with my very first trip offshore. This was a real challenge because I was in an environment that I knew little about, and there was the added pressure to do a good job and make sure nothing went wrong.”
What are the benefits working at MSSL and studying towards your apprenticeship ? “I’ve gained a huge amount of experience and knowledge working at MSSL. The company training I am receiving covers a lot more than your normal apprenticeship as I am learning about managing ‘real’ projects and using AutoCAD to produce electrical drawings. Working at Monitor Systems also gives me the valuable time to apply what I have learned, ... it’s my opportunity of a life time.”