Group News: December 2014
RPD System Commissioning
Safe, error free jack-up system for GSF Galaxy III
Our RPD system eliminates the high risk of serious damage and safety implications to legs, jack-house equipment, rack chords, surrounding braces, girder work etc.
Following on from the supply of our RPD system to the GSF Galaxy III Jack-up Rig earlier this year, Monitor Systems were asked to install and commission the system using experienced and trained engineers.
A team of project engineers, electricians and supervisors installed and commissioned the M1000 RPD on all three legs of the jack-up rig in the North Sea in approximately 36 days, start to finish. Commissioning of the system took 7 days at the start and end of the installation process, supervised by our project engineers.
Monitoring of rack phase difference during jacking operations can give an early indication of possible leg over-stresses. Taking continual manual rack phase measurements during jacking operations is both difficult and labour intensive. The Monitor Systems M1000 RPD rack phase differential monitoring system provides an accurate electronic / mechanical system for measuring and recording the rack phase difference of each leg.
In the last few years Monitor Systems have manufactured, installed and commissioned four M1000 RPD systems on Jack-up rigs, providing the operators with a safe, error free, automated jack-up control and management system. The ability to monitor critical leg movement data will eliminate the potential of serious structural damage to the legs and rig during future jacking operations.