Group News: October 2016
BOP Control Panel Upgrade
Monitor Systems were approached by KCA Deutag RDS to design and manufacture a BOP control panel upgrade for the Total E&P Dunbar Platform drilling in the North Sea.
“The project complements the BOP Control Panel upgrade project recently completed for the Total North Alwyn Platform. Once again, Monitor Systems are delighted to be commissioned a similar BOP Control Panel upgrade for the Dunbar Platform.” ... commented Brian Sinclair, MD at Monitor Systems.
The upgraded BOP Control Panels utilised the existing enclosure electronics, components and wiring. Three control panels were upgraded, the Driller’s Office Panel (Toolpushers), Drillmaster’s Panel (Doghouse) and the Gangway Control Panel. All existing enclosures were upgraded by fitting a new stainless steel door to allow the existing equipment to be reinstalled in a more logical way.
Facias / Graphical Overlays. All graphical overlays were reverse printed on polycarbonate. An additional graphic overlay was supplied for the Toolpusher, Doghouse and Gangway control panels, giving the option to swap between 13 5/8” and 20 3/4” riser configurations. The additional overlays are easy to position and are secured automatically.

Operational Safety: For safety and protection, all control panels were fitted with protective stainless steel / perspex doors. The Shear Rams ‘close function’ was further protected by an additional hinged cover, preventing accidental operation of the function on all control panels.
Flow Counter Upgrade: new flow counters were installed in the Doghouse and Toolpusher’s Control Panel, showing the flow in ‘litres’ for the Annular Preventer and BOP Rams.

New Ex n enclosures were installed within each panel to house the intrinsically safe barriers for the upgraded flow counters.
Installation and Commissioning: Monitor Systems were contracted to install and commission the three BOP Control Panels onboard the Dunbar Platform. Working closely with a KCA Deutag engineer, the system was installed and commissioned successfully.
High Quality Solutions: Monitor Systems has built a significant reputation for providing high quality customised and regular solutions for safe and hazardous working areas in the global oil and gas / marine sector.
Mark Wood, Commercial Manager commented ...“The project was managed, designed, manufactured, installed and commissioned on time and within budget.