Group News: April 2016
An economical supply of fresh water for your offshore installations
Monitor Systems are proud to be the exclusive European distribution partner for C’Treat Watermakers. It’s been a long term relationship that has proven itself over and over again with many units installed worldwide. With more than ‘five’ decades of combined knowledge and experience, the Monitor Systems / C’Treat team provide innovative design and evolutionary development through field testing and combine the latest proven technology and advances in reverse osmosis.
Reverse Osmosis Watermakers: As a combined strength, Monitor Systems have factory trained engineers that install, service and commission reverse osmosis watermakers throughout the world.
Based on extensive design and engineering experience, the design simplicity of our watermakers allows for easy operation and maintenance in demanding offshore marine environments. Unique system technology provides excellent reliability, economy and constant water production without using chemicals.
Our reputation as the premier supplier of potable water Reverse Osmosis Watermakers to offshore oil & gas production facilities is founded on the standard ‘’FD’’ Series Watermakers. Potable water Reverse Osmosis Watermakers from Monitor Systems Engineering can provide water production at rates from 4 to 100 m3/day.
Monitor Systems Engineering can produce both standard and custom Reverse Osmosis Watermakers. Custom solutions include Boiler Feed, Turbine Wash, Battery top-up, and the higher capacity demands of Crude desalting, and Well Injection.
Ultraviolet Disinfection: Our ultraviolet disinfection systems are specifically designed for the demands of the offshore energy sector. Advanced technology for the disinfection process is used; type 316L stainless steel UV chambers, passivated and electropolished, low pressure, high intensity UV lamps and a state-of-the-art electronic “smart” ballast and microprocessor control system allowing substantial safety and warning features through a digital display and LED indicator lamps.
Pressure Sets: Our pressure sets utilise ITT Goulds pumps. They are unique since they are built to standards demanded by the offshore energy industry.
Turbine Wash: Demineralised water is used for many purposes on offshore platforms including turbine washing. These requirements are met with demineralisation systems, each specifically designed for your project.
Complete System Packages: We can provide more than one offering on a single skid (or frame), fully piped
SPS Support: General scope of systems / products and tested. Offerings include reverse osmosis watermakers, UV disinfection, turbine wash, pressure set systems, storage and/or hot water heater.
Storage: Potable water storage tanks, complete with level instrumentation are provided on single-point list frames for ease of handling and for a quick installation.
Customer Support and Consumables: Monitor Systems look after their customers long term. We have aligned our business with dedicated staff that are responsible for consumables and replacement parts. Monitor Systems hold in stock many watermaker consumables for fast tracking; we also offer an on location installation service for the more complex replacement parts and bespoke items.