Group News: 2017
Let MSSL be instrumental in your next project
Like many oil and gas industry support companies, Monitor Systems has seen the benefits in industry and sector diversification in 2017, with a firm focus on developing global business in other key energy sectors. Industries like Renewable Energy, Marine, and Decommissioning, Onshore Tank Farming and Land Rig sectors have been very encouraging. Not unlike engineering projects for the oil & gas industry, these key industries and sectors have provided similar projects, and many companies are now beginning to recognise the true benefits of our years of expertise in the oil & gas industry.
Earlier this year, Monitor Systems announced its 20th Anniversary. During its journey, the company has worked on over 140 rigs and vessels worldwide specialising in a mix of bespoke engineering solutions where we have been contracted to design, manufacture, assemble, test, commission and project manage various different offshore instrumentation, monitoring and control systems.
Growing and developing the company has never been easy and it has taken us a few years to fully stamp our brand, our capabilities and position, our USP, and our second to none customer care. Through client feedback and testimonials, it's now clear that the industry understands that our design and engineering solutions differ from that of our competitors, and that our work ethic is very customer driven.
2017 has seen many different projects undertaken for many major contractors worldwide. Monitor Systems has been involved in the design and manufacture of many systems including, BOP Control System packages, Ballast Control & Tank Gauging Systems, Anchor Winch Control Systems, ESD Control Panels, Mud Tank Level Monitoring Systems, Air Combustion Panels, Tank Farm Monitoring and Control Systems, Oil level Monitoring Systems, MGS Vent Valve Control Systems, Platform Control Room Remote Consoles, Open Drains Flushing Control Panels, Anchor Winch Emergency Release Systems, Fire & Flood Monitoring Systems, BOP Temperature Probe Monitoring Systems, and Wind Energy Farm Scada Switch Panels & Fibre Case Assemblies, .... it's a true credit to our team of in-house engineers along with our international and offshore travelling engineers and support staff.
A small but vital improvement worth mentioning is teamwork. Monitor Systems has been encouraging teamwork for some time and is now seeing the real benefits. We have successfully developed an in-house culture of 'one team - combined strength'. With our staff and suppliers working together, being honest and delivering excellence in everything, Monitor Systems is now working smarter, stronger and more efficient. True integration at ground level ensures that everyone at Monitor Systems is committed to delivering 'integrated solutions' through working together, taking personal responsibility and being proud to be a 'team player', driving improvements throughout the company.
We look to 2018 with the same appetite for business, the same passion for growth, the same protocol for delivering quality design and engineering, and the same vision for health and prosperity.